Submissions Guidelines

Paper and Poster Presentations Submission Guidelines

Please adhere to the following guidelines for manuscript submission.  Be sure to include your contact information, including e-mail address and daytime phone number if available.

Each paper paper will run approximately 15 minutes in length followed by 5 minutes of questions.

Poster presentations will be displayed during the entire week of the conference and will have a designated time for questions and answers with the author at a time to be specified at a later date during the conference. 

All papers and posters accepted for presentation and the conference will be published in the Annual Conference Proceedings.

Paper and poster abstract guidelines are the same requiring the name of the author(s), title, and employer with a 300 word or less outline of the poster/paper including introduction, content and conclusion in WORD 97-2003 or higher.


  1. Submit manuscripts electronically in MS Word only
  2. Use a clear, clean typeface. Suggested type fonts are 10 point Times Roman or 10 point Times.  DO NOT use unusual or showy typefaces.
  3. Body of manuscript should be single-spaced.
  4. Do not indent paragraphs.
  5. Double space between paragraphs.
  6. Do not use computer-generated page numbering (headers/footers).
  7. Use a 1-inch margin setting on top, bottom and sides of your manuscript.
  8. Bold-face or underline sub-headings within the text (i.e. Introduction, Materials, Methods, Conclusions, etc.) Do not use all caps for these headings.

LENGTH: The entire paper, including graphs, charts and illustrations should be no more than ten (10) pages long.

TITLE: Should be brief and descriptive.  Center your title on the first page of your paper directly before you begin the introduction and text. Type size for title should be no larger than 14 point. Follow the title with your name, position, facility, city and state as shown below:  Author information should be in 10 point type, Italics.

Joe Smith, Keeper II
Best Zoological Park
Anywhere, Allstates

GRAPHS: These may be imbedded the body of the manuscript text if you have the capability to do so.  Illustrations should be sharp and high resolution (300 dpi).  You may not use color in your graphs and charts.  Include the explanation of the graph, chart, etc. on the page with the illustration.  (Examples: Figure 1 Shows the average temperature of incubation….Graph 4 Illustrates the variation in  duration of…).   Be certain that all such graphs, tables or charts included with your manuscript are properly referenced within the manuscript text.  Graphs and charts should be no larger than 8” tall by 5” wide.

ILLUSTRATIONS/  PHOTOS – Only black and white photos may be used within the text of your manuscript if you have that capability. Be sure to properly reference photos within the manuscript. Photos should be high resolution (300 dpi). Be sure to give proper photo credit for each photo and include captions.

METRIC SYSTEM: Use the twenty-four-hour clock (i.e., 0900 – 1425 hrs.) for identifying time and the continental dating system (day, month, year) when describing dates.  Use the metric system for weights and measurements (standard equivalent may be noted in parenthesis).

SCIENTIFIC NAMES: Should be included with their common names, when first mentioned, and only the common name thereafter.  When both the common and scientific name are given as a paragraph heading, put the common name first.  Only currently recognized nomenclatures should be utilized.  Authorship of scientific names should be included only when nomenclature problems exist.

SPECIAL NOTES: Identify Registered or Trademark products by ® or ™ symbols respectively. If you have a Products Mentioned in the Text section, please include full name and address of the manufacturer of the product, including website or email address if available.

Avoid footnotes.

REFERENCES: Should be listed alphabetically at the end of the manuscript according to author’s surname. (Example: Ricter, J.W. 1984.  How To be A Good Keeper. Animal Keepers’ Forum. Vol. 11, No. 6: 12-22. AAZK, Inc., Topeka, Kansas, U.S.A.)

Within the text, references should be cited as Ricter (1984) or (Ricter, 1984).


The size of the poster should be a 3′ x 4′ flat surface that will be mounted on a cork board during the conference (cork board to be provided by San Diego AAZK).

Poster author should follow the same guidelines for paper presentations regarding the following data:
* Title
* Tables (tables/graphs may be in color)
* Photographs (photos may be in color)
* Metric system
* Scientific names
* Special notes
* References

Posters should have a block style printed in minimum 48-point type. Authors and facility should be included. Posters should have quality photographs, no smaller than 4″ x 6″ and text printed no smaller than 16-point type. Hand-written text will not be accepted. Photographs must be a good quality and mounted so they will stay in place on the poster. Graphs must be easily read from a distance of three (3) feet from the face of the poster.